Pest Control & Extermination Services

Rodents, Insects, Wildlife Pest Control At One Place

Structural Pest Exterminator, Professional & Affordable

 +1 (780) 707-6119

Affordable & Professional Pest Control In Edmonton & Areas

Bro Pest Control Edmonton is locally owned and run by professional pest  exterminators in Edmonton regions. We offer all ranges  of pests in any type of structure at an affordable price without compromising professional obligation. We apply eco-friendly techniques through the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) methodologies.  All of our technicians are licensed, certified and have years of knowledge in pests lifecycle and damaging stage, behaviour, ecology  and proper control measures. We are fully trained in treatment of toughest insect pest i.e. bed bugs, cockroaches, ants and material insects mainly beetles and moth insect pests. Our grip on rodent behaviour,  population influx, favourable hiding and breeding places lead us to better understanding in mice, voles and pocket gopher management and eradication.

Bro Pest Control ​Safe,  Fast & Effective : CALL TODAY, SAME DAY  SERVICE AVAILABLE

 +1 (780) 707-6119

Bug And Insects As Structural Pest

Insects are the largest and the most dominant animal group on earth; largest in diversity, display different lifestyles, and play second important role on earth after plants. Out of wildlife, farm land or natural landscape, some insects spend their part or entire life inside homes and in the grass or plants of your backyard.  Insect’s diversity means, some insect’s damages are in terms of human health, and some can eat food, clothing or wood in the structure. Such insects get the status of “INSECT PEST IN STRUCTURE”  because they appear in our living space and cause harm to our health, especially those that bite, sting along transmitting diseases or cause allergies.

Insects Pest Control Services

Annoying Bugs Pest Services


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Field Cricket 

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Sow /Pill Bugs

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Rodents Control Services In Structure

Amongst all other pests, rodents are the most destructive pest. They can damage people items, cause fires by gnawing on electrical wires, damaged buildings materials, contaminate food, and transmit diseases to people. The rodent family  which includes over 2,000 species, out of which house mice, pocket gopher, voles and ground squirrel are prominent species in Alberta.  Amongst structural rodents, house mice have the amazing ability to adapt, living in the same buildings where humans live.  While they move outside in the summer, they tend to retreat indoors during autumn.  ​Voles or field mice, as the name suggests, live outdoors while making small mouse-sized holes and trails through the grass, and eat grass and seeds for survival. Pocket Gophers dig and burrow tunnels underground and leave mounds of dirt with larger holes, eat entire small plants dragged underground and damage bark of comparatively large shrubs or ornamental plants.

Ground Squirrel

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Pocket Gophers

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Wildlife Removal In Structure

Wildlife in urban areas and mostly in rural living enter the structure for food and shelter. As humans occupied most of their habitats, wildlife also encounter with people activities and most of occaustion animals are annoying rather causing significant damages, except some birds species.  In Alberta most frequent animals get status of a pest are, skunk, raccoon, porcupine, bats and amongst birds, pigeon, sparrow, magpie, swallow are prominent. Squirrels, skunks, and raccoons can be annoying to homeowners, but also damage property some time. Among these all, squirrels are the most annoying while could be the cause of your attic and insulation damage. Birds, especially those seeking shelter in structure, cause damage through their nest and droppings. For home owners other than wildlife presence, spread of parasites and diseases are most disturbing. Animals and birds can carry diseases like rabies, or parasites such as fleas, mites and ticks into homes.

Birds & Nest

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Home & Commercial Pest Extermination Services

Bro Edmonton Bring Reliable Pest Solution Which Matter For Your Property & Businesses

Residential properties pest control services

Residential Homes Pest Control

Bro Pest Control Edmonton Zone provides full services in protecting your family’s health and home. Pests, do not belong in your home–they pose serious health risks to your family members, including your pets, and they can cause serious and costly damage to your home. Our technicians are highly qualified and are eager and waiting to assist you with your pest control and removal process. Please take a moment to review our service offerings and determine which program will best suit your needs.​ 

Pest Control Edmonton by Bro Pest Control offers residential pest exterminator services against Mice, Bed Bugs, Cockroaches, Ants, Wasp, Spiders, Voles or any bugs control solution in a property. All of our services are guaranteed, All products are safe, odorless, and approved for uses in your business. And never forgetting it has to be cost effective.

Commercial faciliteis, buisnessses pest control services

Commercial Pest Control

Bro Pest Control Edmonton Zone offers very competitive and affordable commercial property pest control options. Our technicians are fully trained, licenced and comply with all safe pest control procedures. From hotels and motels to restaurants and apartments, businesses are at risk for pest invasions. We will help you get rid of them using eco-friendly products. Please take a moment to review our service offerings and determine which program will best suit your needs.

Pest Control Edmonton by Bro exterminator provides pest control services against all commercial pests; Mice, Bed bugs, Cockroaches, Wasp, Ants, Birds Nest or any thing in-between with guarantee.   All of applied products are safe, odorless, and approved for uses in your business. And never forgetting it has to be cost effective.


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* Free Inspection offer for Edmonton, St. Albert, Sherwood Park  with certain conditions & availability