Voles Control & Extermination Edmonton

 +1 (780) 707-6119
Vole pest; voles damage lawn and plants for home owners

Vole Rodent

Vole or Field Mice Control Service 

Vole, a field mouse control Edmonton by  Bro Pes​t Control Edmonton is your best solution in managing Voles Rodents in your lawn. Our unique vole activities deduction and inspection techniques accurately assess vole population. ​As the name says, as a vole, creating tunnels and damaging grass ultimately shapes your lawn or backyard. We provide last and complete control of voles in cost-effective prices without compromising on professionalism. Call today for same day service; 780-707-6119.

Voles Control Process

Bro Voles Control technician follow numbers of step during the voles control process; 

Identification of Voles Infestation/Dama​ge; 

The most prominent signs of damage or presence of voles are characteristic surface runways that are visible after snow melt. Technicians will identify the runway system that is visible through clipped grass or vegetation, about 2.50cm (1inch) to 5cm (2 inches) wide. These runaways usually lead around edges of a lawn or under plants shade, stairs, patio and to the small holes and nesting areas. Under server attach holes can be seen scattered in the whole lawn. 

Damage Assessment

Voles damage assessment is an estimate, the number of holes and areas affected by runways indicate the voles population den​sity. Three to four holes with a runway extending less than 10 square feet is considered to be low to medium voles infestation. Numbers of plants gridling or damage also accounted for in the damage assessment. If at this stage voles do not manage their population could rapidly multiply and its effects will be seen next ice melt. Voles, like mice, can build up populations quickly. Prairie and meadow vole females give 5 litters per year, averaging 3 to 5 young per litter.  

Control Methods

Exclusion and Trapping;

As Voles breed fast and at the same time active the whole year, thus the size of population determines the control methods. If the population is low e.g. plants damages started and 3 to 4 holes, then the preferred would be exclusion and trapping may be the most economical means of voles management.
Exclusion; Exclusion can be done to protect high value flowering beds, small lawns/plants and individual plants. That includes installation of woven wired sheet or hard cloth/plastic cylinder fences ( 6.35mm (1/4 inch ) or smaller mesh) around flowering beds, plants trunk or beds. The fence should dig in soil at least  5.0 cm (2 inches) to 7.65cm ( 3 inches) both for lawns and plants trunk , while minimum 30cm (12 inches) for plants stem or trunk.   
Trapping;   ​Trapping is most effective over a limited area e.g. around the perimeter of home, less than 10 square feet lawn along no attraction or protected area adjoining neighbors. Two to three single mouse snap traps and glue board set up along the runways and near the hole. The snap trap should be perpendicular to the runway and can be baited with peanut butter or oatmeal. Keep children and pets away from snap and glue board traps. 

Use of Rodenticides;

If the vole damage is extended to large areas or likely to damage your lawn and plants the technician will decide the use of rodenticides application.  After identification, active holes technicians will install anticoagulants baited bait stations near holes. All applications will be done according to the regulation and safety of occupants . 

Problems Due To Voles

Voles or Meadow Mice take advantage of  Alberta lasting snow cover which provide relative protection from predators, and voles enjoy the freedom to construct complicated and frequently-used 'runway' systems within the turf canopy. As snow melts,  turf or grass damage can be seen prominently which is noticeable among the other rodent pests. 

Prominent damage sings of voles is a dead or dying plant, grass, vegetable gardens, ornamental plantings, and young forest stock are all susceptible. Each year Lawn Care companies in Alberta received increasing numbers of Voles damages in residential back yards and lawn. Above surface often damages young trees and woody ornamentals by chewing at the base of unprotected stems, eventually girdling causes significantly dieback symptoms of affected plants or even plant death. There tunnels, if adjacent to tree root systems, eat roots and chewing or “girdling” the main stem just above the ground.

What is a Vole?

  Voles (Microtus spp.) are small rodents, herbivores (eat vegetation), resembling Mice,  but a distinct identification of them is " look like, Vole is missing half of his tail". Also, unlike mice, they are adapted for digging tunnels underground . Other hand, unlike moles  you can see them on the ground during the day
On visible look, voles body is compact Compare with mice or rats) with stocky, short legs, and short tails. On head or face side, eyes are small and their ears partially hidden practically with dense, thicker longer hairs. Body color usually brown or gray, though many color variations exist.
In Alberta there are two Voles species Meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) or Meadow Mice and Prairie Voles (Microtus ochrogatser), both construct surface runways that are easy to recognize by the closely clipped vegetation within them. Montane vole is also seen frequently in Edmonton lawns and garden. 

Dead Voles; voles trapped on glue board
Montane vole Trapped on Glue Borad

What Difference in Vole and Mole? 

Voles and Moles (Read More) have similarity in name pronunciation and underground tunnel makers, but two are totally distinct pe​sts that are sometimes mistaken.  Moles, voles and gophers all create tunnels and are active underground, but what they eat and the damage they cause varies.  They all improve the soil by aerating it and mixing nutrients, but sometimes their habits get them in trouble with gardeners. 

Voles (rodent) & Moles are small mammals  and quite different in shape, habits, and food they eat. Moles  have small eyes, concealed ears, and front paddle-shaped feet designed for digging. Unlike voles, moles are mostly predatory, eating earthworms, grubs, and other soil-dwelling arthropods, therefor do not damage plants. Moles dig deep below-ground tunnels as well as surface tunnels. Near or around their tunnels entrances may have mounds of excavated soil, often called molehills. 

When you in touch with ​ Bro Pest Control Edmonton  professionals, we're sure to help you save big with our pest control services

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